j'ai recu ceci de micheal Morse ( 650 Central ) et la je ne comprend pas la transformation qui me demande ..Je ne sais pas si je dois agrandir mon trou ou en faire un nouveaux et un foret #38 ca represente qui en dimension ..
qui a deja fait ce percage voici en anglais ce qu'il dit
Yes, but need for the optimizers of wearing of exhaust and the maximum optimizers of couple will have you. Moreover, you will have to modify damping in the slides of carburator with a drill # 38.
Question ???? have a photograph to explain me because I do not know or to drill
et voici la photo
Yes, but need for the optimizers of wearing of exhaust and the maximum optimizers of couple will have you. Moreover, you will have to modify damping in the slides of carburator with a drill # 38.
voici la photo recu
Yes, but need for the optimizers of wearing of exhaust and the maximum optimizers of couple will have you. Moreover, you will have to modify damping in the slides of carburator with a drill # 38.
Question ???? have a photograph to explain me because I do not know or to drill
et voici mon carburateur et j'ai deja 2 trou il faut que je perce plus gros je pense selon lui ..mais #38 ca represente quel grosseur de foret en mm ou en pouce